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Let us have some fun
Should we both run
touch the chinar tree ahead
Then fall on the ground dead
Or would you prefer climbing the hill
Yes it sounds like a PT drill
We can then roll down
and like Humpty Dumpty break our crowns
Would you love flying in the sky
Then let us into the valley dive
Might lead to a change of attire
for we may accidently die
We can go for swimming in lake Dal
Watch the flying sea gulls
But swimming I don’t know
so what? the natural instinct might show
If all this does not appeal
Let us go and apples steal
Crunch them and munch them
and hang by the tree stem
No! I am surely not mad
Your expressions says, enough you have had
Would you prefer that we stroll
Tell me what appeals to your soul
Got it! I read you well
You no longer need to tell
But that will never happen
Fighting, all bonds does slacken
One of my ways we choose
Or in this Pine forest our ways lose
You go your way and I mine
You never say what your heart pines
Is it kisses and candlelit dines?
Under the moon light and starry shines.
©sunita grover raina 2023
photo credit to the owner

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