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My every sigh reveals my self
The one that matters
reads me well
Still remains a stranger
though within me dwells
Why hide from me
When I seek thee
Way to reach you
Yet could not see
But felt around
In every sound
How do you look ?
Whole life it took
Painted your form
broke all the norms
What appeals to me
Is what in you I see
You a stranger
I a romancer
My pleasures last
till not an achiever
Not getting you
my biggest excitement
When I get you
Will end all assignments
I continue seeking
You continue hiding
This too brings us near
Who is the winner dear
The one who seeks
at times too hides
And the one who hides
at times too seeks
Who hides who seeks
We change roles and sneak.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit self

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