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I have paused my life
to live for him
His eyes yet see
Heart beats within
The sounds though reach
Stares same for each
Oh! how will I teach
All useless they preach
My touch he feels
It helps to heal
Our soul to seal
His tears I steal
I am his hands
I am his legs
I am his mind
I feel his breaths
To read his thoughts
His soul I knock
Will stick to him
Till his time tick tocks
This much he knows
I will never let go
To place myself in his
shoes, I chose
Those who think for me
and madly care
Say, nothing but a vegetable
is he
Dumb he became
by not his choice
But he still can hear
and he still can see
His eyes yet see
Heart beats within
I have paused my life
to live for him
©sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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