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Freedom was just a word for me
As any other word in dictionary
Sixty years went flying by
In hope to live my life my style
Yes I could break all rules and move
but somehow it was not in my genes to do
I looked in daze all happening around
Then calmed my heart eyes fixed to ground
Never showed them the the flutters of desires
Slowly got labeled as one with no fires
While here I was taking all the burden
Flying with colours as all work was well done
A loser in life, I never could take
After that day, a loser they declared with cake
I remember it well though their memories fail
I raced on tracks that could never derail
I gained a lot and lost a lot
But finally my dear freedom it got
Now freedom is no longer a word to me
I feed my soul only shakkar and ghee
I had kept it hungry for years at end
Finally, got working on my soul to mend
It had dried and withered in the heart of mine
Now look how in my smiles it glows and shines.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit to the owner
Shakkar- sugar
Ghee-pure oil from cream

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