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I am not the type who can dedicatedly, regularly pray
My God too knows, this is not her accepted way
But then at times I have to change colours and do
Mumbling and grumbling I do and this is true
Flowers now I have to pick many from my garden
Somewhat my garden looks a miniature unplanned Eden
But I have some hidden dangerous enemies there
Always waiting to pounce on me, sweet dear
They love hovering and buzzing around
At times they throw me flat on the ground
Love nothing better than chase me for nuzzling
They come singing near, all over for pecking
How can I tell this to God dear, of mine
To free me from such chores, for all my life time
Whole day dear God I gossip and complain to you
Why make me a part of your boring praying crew
Today again is that day, when I have to do
To encounter my loving enemies, just for you
See the flowers are dancing and ‘They’ singing in glee
I wonder on whose side are you, wicked they or sweet me
Wow! You sent me a guard to save me from this fate
Love this big Chameleon merging with my garden gate
See all my shooing! and wooing! is not working but fails
I will not touch him , he might bite or lash me with his tail
Everything in this world happens as per your planning
Now I can’t pick flowers with this Gecko alike, in sun reclining
Forget about the flowers and forget about these rituals
Let us get back to gossiping and sign an agreement mutual.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo clicked today morning.

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