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I got everything from life but never any peace
All I wanted was peace but they snatched it with ease
My destiny planned to teach me a lesson
Live your life ever with this unanswered question
Blessed I am, I will truly say
Most of my questions answered in different ways
But when a person is moving without peace
Can I live my life to the fullest in ease
Dear God, let this be made clear to me
Will I ever get nonstop peace to see
I am now happy writing your poesies
I forget all, I forget my worries
But I can’t nonstop go on writing
Other chores are there to complete requiring
When helpless I feel to complete a chore
I appeal to you to open all doors
I still have hope that this too will happen
You will surely help , let not my spirit dampen
I promise I never will ask for anything
Just this last wish of mine I beg for granting
I will get back, all my long lost peace
and live my life at your feet with ease.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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