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Why does the person I love
behave with me strangely
Is he acting blind and cannot see
that I love him so deeply
Just an affectionate word from him
changes me completely
I start chirping and dancing
like a bird affectionately
I open up as if he gave me
the full bloomed moon
To twine his arms around
create situations ready to swoon
But strange the miser
keeps his mouth tightly shut
And throws me in a thinking maze
that lost, I fully get
I know that love is
also burning in him, within
He is having a gala time with me
in his colourful dreams
In reality, with this attitude
what pleasure does he derive
Towards, love madness, he is
slowly making me drive
I am already a self proclaimed
incurable mad woman
Love has made me a convict in his
heart’s heartless prison
Has he taken me for granted
and enjoys to make me pine
For candle lit dinners, yellow roses
and glasses of red wine
Tell me should I be treated
in such an uncaring manner
All call me an angel
he can put me under a scanner
I cannot take this loveless
teasing behavior of his anymore
I am going to hug him tight
and with kisses make him sore.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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