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My smile is mine but he shines within
The shine in eyes are but his sheen
Though tired my bones, it does not show
I learnt the trick, keep moving, don’t slow
Born with a golden spoon they think
I make myself to look so, in a blink of my wink
When I step out he always sprinkles gold
There goes my age, who says I am old
A trick he plays to cheat you all
He will not let you guess how stand I tall
Oh! Now I am used to the games he plays
Both sweets and words mixed well to slay
See I am alive, see how I smile
This life and sheen are there awhile
From birth I knew, I have come to work
When one is over, the other there lurks
Did someone say that work is worship
I came programmed, to understand hardship
With passing years my glow he enhances
Keep rubbing and scrubbing, only winning chances
For me here after, is that goblet of wine
Kept filled to the brim by the hands of divine.
My smile is mine but he shines within
The shine in eyes are but his sheen
©sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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