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Hey life ! what else have you kept stored for me?
Are my lessons not over yet?
Every time you keep shoving me towards the exam hall.
Don’t you get tired of testing me?
Or there is a dearth of students for harassing.
How much more I need to be polished?
You have rubbed me enough on all sides
and wrong sides too.
I am as stubborn as an ass .
I will never give you the chance to smirk at me .
You won’t be able to break my back bone.
For I have been testing you too.
Your love is strange.
Took me years to understand you.
Will you not leave even a speck of me here?
Done….do as you wish, but hurry.
Enough is enough.
Just let me catch you.
I will get a chance too,
to treat you as you treated me.
You taught me well sweetheart.
My love is strange too.
Which is better we will sit down to discuss
on meeting.
And I know you are waiting .
Set the table for a candlelit dinner.
For I know my time is up and you are done for.
Don’t blame me for the returns you will get.
I have been planning your Life too.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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