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Sunita Grover Raina and Inayat Ullah take pleasure
to share their collaborative poem…..HEARTBROKEN
The hurts of heart can’t be
healed by cosy words
No balm has ever healed the scars
left by wounds that hurts
What of a cloud that does not
pour for a thirsty throat
A restless soul, anxious to get better
by a lovable dote
One needs to get in touch
with true love birds
Not with those who with every word
draw a matching sword
You need to reach the well
which always is love pouring
Those clouds never rain
which are ever yelling and roaring
Isn’t it a mystery to feel
morose and unhappy
How can one be so lonely
when surrounded by many
No matter where ever I go
In the town to stroll
The picture appears gloomy
melancholic to console
There might be many around
like you, that you can see
Scared their eyes too,
to trust, love and agree
You are not the only one
with a wounded , unhealed heart
Many are strolling unloved
on the wrongly selected paths
Life is full of lessons, a trial of errors
learn it and remember well
The pain running through spine,
tears in eyes swell
Playing and resting, uncommitted
my lifeless spirit floats
I am aware of my lot
which at times opens and closes
Yes life is a lesson to be understood
and to be memorized well
Pack your pains and tears
to rain and flood that hell
There are many waiting
to be loved and held
Connect to them unconditionally
and see how well all weld
This life is not meant to be tuned
to only a selected few
With love only, this Universe
did expand and grew.
Inayat Ullah—India
Sunita Grover Raina—India

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