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Last few days went
reading recorded court cases
Mothers they all were
but now crippled faces
Fools were they made
by near and dear ones
Tortured by known
and sometimes by own sons
They sit in jails
these depressed lot
The hearts of mothers
left there to rot
Some were turned mad
and shifted to asylums
Money switched hands
in lots and lump sum
Not even visited,
not even thought
These mothers in life
ever struggled and fought
Some in old age homes
or caring centers
No child visits
or their hearts enter
Mothers they too
but cursed are they
In old age begging for food,
they stray
Some pushed around
from house to house
No child for long keeps
and treated like mouse
Some left and deserted
promising to return
With cold drinks and ice cream
which never comes
Some lock them in homes
as they lock their dogs
Partying for days they are,
lying looking for jobs
They need you to do
their household chores
If caught on run
turn their body to sores
Yes, dear mothers, love!
For love is you
But this world has changed
new coffees they brew
Money grows in heart
and love their died
You thought they will change
how much you tried
Those, happy in home
have hidden stories too
Which rarely leaks out
their acts so true
Many are celebrating
mother’s day
My every day, for your
welfare prays
I see you dears
I see your pains
I pray to God
let happiness rain
For nothing sadder than
mother’s weeping heart
It might lead God to make
a new world from start.
©sunita grover raina2023
Photo credit to the owner

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