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I am getting bored by my company
Need someone to accompany
me for an endless walk
and non stop talk
On the ‘love subject’, I like
Even if disliked
By the other
No probs ,will make him love
Even make him fall in love
with love
I need someone who hates love
To walk with me under the stars
I promise by the time we return
He will only see love around
In love will he be drowned
For I can talk non stop
Won’t give him a chance to talk
While we walk
He has to surrender to my arm twisting
Agree to my endless persisting
While he saves himself from getting bored
I will get him completely floored
Make him forget what hate is
Make him realise what debate is
For I am a debate queen
It saves me from boredom
Mission accomplished
He is in love
And I have won
No longer bored
Full marks I scored
Now what do I do with him
Tomorrow back to hate he will swim.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net


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