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Dear what do you like in me
I like everything about you honey
But there should be one thing
which you like the most
Well your eyes then
What do you like in my eyes dear
I like everything about your eyes
But there should be one thing
about it which you like the most
They remind me of ponds
What is the colour of the water dear
blue or green
Well it is a mixture.. Cyan called Aqua too
Dear when you see these ponds
what do you feel like doing
I like gazing at them honey
But there should be one thing you want to do
seeing the cool aqua water
I feel like jumping into them taking you along
When will we jump into them dear
Have you gone mad there is a limit to it
these questions of yours
And the aqua ponds overflow
Fantasy changes to reality
Those who love
Know how to continue it
And keep this game alive and burning
The game of love
Never to stop, never a break
Till death do them apart
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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