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Certain things prick deep and hard
No further thinking does the heart
Always on defence always on guard
The very first word you speak to start
Understanding at times vanishes in air
No way one feels like coming near
Patience wins, at times surely cheers
Yes you were right, to such steps take dear
Love does not vanish, which once takes birth
But disguises, takes a different shape
The moon, the sun the same is earth
But in different hue you see and gape
I am shocked no doubt and turned bit wild
My trust was shattered, in a second saw light
Love never resides in a home of hate
My soul with me, is in constant fight
I have to live and so am living
Let this to me be a lesson too
My burning fingers I will keep them burning
The angel I killed for the devil in you
But still will sing those songs of love
My songs will chime with truth I saw
For love is truth and truth is love
My frozen heart has to unthaw.
©sunita grover raina 2023
digital art photo credit to Ken Furnace.

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