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Where will people like me go
Their eyes can’t see
but want to glow
My glow within
is peeping out
Flying to meet
is my friendly love
How blind they are
in search of things
The actual things
in them not sings
Where will people like me go
Their eyes can’t see
but want to glow
I play with ants
and winged beauties
Their eyes so clear,
all are sweet cuties
My heart so happy
my love bursts out
Their trust so rare
I loudly shout
Wish I was born,
as one of them
Life would be loving
a heavenly fun
But born am I
a human being
Who see nothing,
but want, all seeing
Where will people like me go
Their eyes can’t see
but want to glow
Wish I could be
that falling leaf
Dancingly falls ,
his life, too brief
Look at that floating
feather there
I too run near,
to cup it dear
The endless waves
in oceans flow
My eyes wait for
what comes and goes.
Where will people like me go
Their eyes can’t see
but want to glow
Like me they too
will see one day
This life is meant
to freely sway
All that gathered
now kept aside
Will be left behind,
forever to reside
We all will float
in the vacuum void
Where nothing works,
none can avoid
Wish eyes within
do see that darkness
Which lets light shine
to see souls lightness
Where will people like me go
Wish they saw
and show they know.
©sunita grover raina2022

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