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Every time I try to move on
you are right there
The thoughts like shadows
move with me
Changes the sets
for me to see
The past alive
the present dead
Blind it makes me
to see ahead
Those thoughts are flying
in the air
Caressing my heart
caressing my hair
With a blink of eye
you do appear
Are both the worlds
living together here
Can I travel to yours
to see you dear
Or only you can come
and see me clear
Every time I try to move on
you are right there
Do not worry
you do not fear
Nothing will happen
I can take care
I can feel your presence
Take it easy
and stay in your world dear
I have to move on just a
few years mere
These links through thoughts
we need to tear
Do not travel it
saddens us both dear
A promise you give
no more you will appear
For I have to move on
On my own dear.
(c) sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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