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How easy to destroy lives
How easy to destroy nature
This world is not your scribblings
on paper
If not satisfied
to be crumpled
and thrown in a dustbin
to be burnt alive
You do not have it in you
to even bloom a flower
and you are unearthing their existence
and tossing them around
Their helpless and lifeless forms
You devil!
with evil hidden in you
Many like you came and went
Raining pain in fun
You are celebrating what?
That you needed to burn
everything around
The sighs!
will soon bury you
in the very ground
Never ever letting your kind
take birth
On this beautiful earth
You will soon be dumped
on the burning pyre
Along with your
crumpled brain
to be burnt as trash
on fire
Even the hidden ash
in your trash
will not be allowed
to pollute.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-google

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