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No thought is yours
within all is holed
Do not feel
that the other stole
For you yourself
are a thieving mole
Question your whole
Question your soul
This universe
itself is a thought
Since millions of years
it clearly taught
You just change
and play with words
And think yourself
to be intellectual nerds
Words of wisdom
should be sweetly placed
It should awaken
this human race
Let it ring
a bell in all
Heard this before,
my mind recalls
We pour old wine
in new bottles
None can
other’s voice throttle
What now said
long ago was read
A sweetened bread,
to others fed
No thought is yours ,
no quote is yours
Every drop of ocean
Is same as before
You too one day
as thought will fly
Someone might grab you
from the sky
Paste you on screens,
place you in books
Give some touches
Give a different look
No thought is yours
within all is holed
Do not feel
that the other stole.
©sunita grover raina 2023

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