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She loves standing below them.
to enjoy the gentle breeze.
To watch the floating leaves dancing towards her.
To touch and tickle her all over.
At times they stick to her face.
She not knowing they are kissing
and caressing her .
She loves wading into it.
Exposing herself willingly.
Not caring if it washes her away.
Filling her small hands with shiny colourful pebbles.
Which keep falling off and she
loving them more than her jailed jewels .
She not knowing that the stream is decorating
her body, splashing hidden pearls in droplets
and cooling her for preparance.
She is addicted to the mountains .
Ever climbing and ever getting lost.
intentionally so that she can sleep naked
in his arms , watching the sky.
While the whole world goes crazy searching her.
She not knowing that he was patiently waiting
for her arrival with open arms and winking at
breeze to do as staged.
The mad breeze whirled around her.
like a tornado,loosening her mind
loosening her ribbons.
For nothing should bind her.
Making her leap in delight at his madnes.
Her wild unruly locks free.
Ribbons went dancing in the air with the breeze and her
tresses elsewhere .
She not knowing that the mountain and breeze
had conspired and always hated her ribbons.
The moon everyone’s wonder and delight.
Was affectionately being stared at by her.
He wickedly mingling her dreams in his moon light.
Slowly wrapping her around in his moon beams.
She not knowing that the moon was focussed on her .
All the pearls which the stream had decorated her with
were changing her skin into mother of pearl,
for his own pleasure.
Night and Moon go together
hand in hand for lovers .
With Stars trailing behind.
She a day dreamer and night dreamer too.
Not knowing that the night was ordering the stars to
reflect themselves in her eyes .
To keep the starry look ever alive.
She loved running wildly after birds and butterflies.
Earth knew all will finally end here and
be again born through this soil.
Loved her dainty feet running all over.
Was happy by the dent she permanently left in the heart.
She not knowing that earth gave her the special
form through ages for her lover to remember,
his eternal love.
She avoided him he knew.
Though all wanted him to be a bit cool when she wakes.
He was proud as only he could wake her .
Could make her jump, make her run and again back into his arms.
Chilling the weather while he thrills lovingly.
She not knowing of this love game going on and on.
The breeze comes running with the ribbons.
The leaves again kissing and caressing her.
The stream ready to decorate her once again.
The sun running his warm hands on her already pink cheeks.
While the trees are swaying to cool her.
She is ready now to day dream
about her dream lover who she thinks
will never come.
Not knowing he is always with her everywhere.
Her eternal lover.
Her creator.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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