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If given a chance
to dance and sing
I would dance with petals
and those pair of wings
Swaying like leaves
In dreams I fly
Let breeze carry me
like a sweet new bride
With buttery butterflies
play hide and seek
Change to nectar
of flowers
for them to trick
Jump into dew drops
to hide within
Only Sun could
out me with warmth
in him
Cover self with mud
so soft and dear
In it will find
my departed peers
Hey rivers! Hey oceans!
will you swim with me
To the other end of world
for love to see
Beg flowers to churn out
a fragrance for me
The fragrance of jasmine
would I want to be
Where ever my soul
would wish to fly
Sprinkle love dust
the hearts that cry.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit -google

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