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Hey dream!
Why do you run away?
Why do you wake me
and leave me thirsty
Yes you run away so fast
That by the time I am awake
Nothing lasts
Just a bit of taste
you leave behind
Either sad or happy
I myself find
Hey dream
stay for some time
Let me see
your complete form
Why are you so moody?
Sad I feel
when it was a romantic reel
I moving with my hero
And you erase my memory to zero
Are you
a psychopath killer
Who turns things
into a thriller
And then suddenly lights the screen
And pop! Goes my dream
With years I did try
to hold on to you
Half awake and half sleepy mode
is how I grew
Still you escaped my grip
Easily from my hands slipped
I really do not know
how to you
Determined I am
to see you once
till the end
At times
I feel,
that too,
will be my end
Never to rudely awake
Never will I quake or shake
See a complete dream with no break
Will be a peaceful deadly sleep
In dreams engrossed deep
Either a hell or heaven
it will be.
©sunita grover raina 2023
photo credit Pixabay

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