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So many movies
I direct and act
Things in dreams,
smoothly run to my diktats
Wish this too happened
in the life that I live
Wish all that appears there,
in this life too it gives
The life that I live
is absolutely crazy
Things never clear,
they love being hazy
Nobody listens to
what I have to say
They do not bother
to even stay
And here I am running
and planning their lives
Working twenty four hours
like bees in a hive
Have I come to make things
easy for them
Keep murdering my wishes
and store them as phlegm
My life in my movies,
move as I plan
Same characters there,
are a happier clan
Wish they could have listened
in this world too
Wish things were happening
as in the movies I brew
We all may have lived
a happier life
Maybe our lives,
would have seen less strife
But they laugh at me
and laugh at my dreams
If my plans worked there
then why not with this team
There able to hold all
and none went astray
In this life I have nothing,
nearly all went away
Wish they could have listened
and yet called me a fool
My life turned into mess ,
both worlds appear cruel
Maybe in dreams diktats work
and not in reality
I often think deeply
and at times feel guilty
What do I do now,
I just do not know
I have fully stopped dreaming,
in time I do flow.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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