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Two brothers of mine think me an angel
Their showered love has made me a devil
I boss around, toss them around
They are the cause, my feet never on ground
Take all from them and they willingly give
As a spoilt brat now, I presently live
In the mirror I saw, two horns on me
Red coloured were they, soon all will see
I turned my back towards the mirror
To check for a dragon tail in the rear
Though yet to appear but a sensation there
With horns out , why should the tail, I fear
Suni an angel, Suni always rocks
Both Willi and Viny, have turned a jukebox
If any would tease for the horn and tail
My brothers will land them all in jail
I am their darling, I am their princess
A proud devil now I gleefully confess
For them Suni, the apple of their eyes
Hey! Bros, get me lollipops and French fries.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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