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Nk Sharma Sir said:
“Sunita Grover Raina Great honour from a Soul that inhales maladies and exhales melodies.”
Dear Sir’s comment in the forum Poet’s Corner – My Own Poems & Quotes)
How happy I am.🥰
Thank you Dear Sir for these lovely words. 🙏
Craving was I for a loving comment from you
My heart felt it was long overdue
How could I get my thoughts, over to you
Absurd it would be to send a clue
I patiently waited and deeply observed
If my work was being viewed and ever read
A sign here and there appeared at times
Some wisps some fragrances, felt hinted in quotes and rhymes
My imagination at times went mad and haywire
Read in your words more than that was desired
At times disturbed and wondered, what was I being said
Did you coat the butter on the wrong side of my bread
You wished I could read in between and beyond lines
But all I could do was my heart’s chimes to rhyme
My brain I never used in my heart’s matters
My brain I used to receive degrees and stature
Two lives I live in this one life of mine
To survive, switch roles from time to time
One to please those, I want to keep away
The others are those who recognize my ways
I came in this world just to give and collect love
Once I collect all, I will fly away like a dove
I got what I wanted, for which linked to you, I was too
Yes! I churn maladies into melodies I knew.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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