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No more dead bodies
or sacrifices I wish to see
Death needs death
let it then come to me
I challenge you to take me
before my time
You picked before time
many souls divine
Sacrifices were they
to protect their loved ones
From the evil eyes of devils
living in devilish fun
Do not think I did not read
every death that came
Touch anymore and I turn to death
and play your game
I have seen slow dying deaths
more than chirping births around
Every death is alive
every night it hounds
Good! it is living within,
for when you come
You will answer my questions
before I am fully done
You murdered their dreams
and many deaths painfully they died
In my eyes a culprit you are ,
also a coward well bribed
My written destiny
is being continuously re written
I am living to complete
the incomplete which was nicely bitten
I will let you know
when all I needed is fully done
My God will surely let me complete
all left undone
Then take me away in whichever way
and where ever you want
No more will they ever appear
and no more come to haunt
Wish to see heavenly paradise
is now dead in me
Wish to see my creator
is a burning fire in me
For a fool I am and understand love
and nothing more
I can still see love in the air
more than ever before
No more dead bodies
or sacrifices I wish to see
Death needs death
let it then come to me.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-self

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