Let us dear be completely frank
How do we both exactly rank
In each other’s curious eyes
Please do not my sweetheart lie
We are friends since many years
There should be no shyness or fears
Be bold daring and speak out
All your pent up locked thoughts
I am actually acting blind
I can dear clearly read your mind
Why do you doubt and hesitate
I no longer can patiently wait
You see me now as a lover
And so you do not want to hover
The change is very much obvious
You are no longer wild and devious
You even lost your sense of humour
Suddenly you are scared of rumours
You now dreamingly steal glances at me
When locked eyes game played we
Is this exciting change bothering you
I had switched my form long ago too
I did not know what to do, what to say
Lest you got scared and ran away
I am so happy to see your new form
Dear no longer can I be a lovelorn.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net