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When young you move
when nature calls
Who could stop you
when rain falls
What fun to bathe
in this natural shower
No shame no shyness
to see who hovers
If the sun was there
with dancing rain
The pleasures doubled
our life a gain
Would look at the sky
if our delight was there
Those screams and joy
when rainbow appeared
Never I knew
the meaning of pain
Drenched we sang
in the dancing rain
This world was fun
and love and fun
The smile on our faces
like the shine of the sun
My friends are same
but I have changed
Oh! Sad cruel beings
Why did you us tame
My soul is same
My need is same
Please take my name
Please burn my fame
I want to play
Those same old games
Oh! friends take me
to those dancing lanes.
copyright@sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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