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COW GIRL……..(Dedicated to my artistic friends Ken Furnace and Marie Harris.)
Yes! That is my famous cow girl stare
Smiling brings softness to this hard glare
However life lets not you, to smile
Ever under its control and endless trials
Still we all live in two worlds
One allowed to view and the other kept blurred
God has his plans but we still do dream
Yes his plans are we with a fixed theme
When young I read a lot of romantic novels
And tried imagining myself to fit into the role model
Ever was I fascinated to be a cow girl
That wish still alive and never could I, it hurl
Wanted to be dressed in the gear they wore
At this age begged friends who had art in them galore
Ken Furnace and Marie Harris fulfilled my wish
They decked me up and turned me into a delightful dish
Thanks to Lucy Walker the writer who made me dream
So many dreamy years I spent in the Australian ranches , evergreen.
©sunita grover raina2023

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