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Ever tried connecting with mother earth
Surrendered to her without fear
Reclining on her spread, peacefully
You will never feel a lovelorn
For she understands us
And makes no fuss
Slowly curing us of our sickness
A self created, human mess
See how peace slowly within seeps
She will make you forget your past weeps
The same feeling as you felt in your mother’s lap
For she is our eternal mother
Long forgotten
By humans on run
Running after lifeless funs
Which throws us asunder
From all her wonders
Blind to love and feelings
Ever our miseries concealing
Our souls uselessly screaming
All it needs is a little perceiving
We all came from her
And in her we go
Why run in rat races
Trying to lick creams in dreams
When all treasures laid before are unseen
Blinded by her sheen
All it needs is to connect
And understand your depth
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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