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Yes I made the mistake
of loving a married man
Our eyes connected
and the souls got involved
It was later when you said
that you are married
I understood the pain
I have to carry
You do not love your wife
But you cannot leave her either
As it is not her fault
and she is a good mother
and wife
Your soul was in search
of its soul mate
And you found me
Dear we were together
in some birth
You know it and even I
But though we have
sensed each other
I will never ask you
to break your present bond
We will meet again
in the next birth
One birth time pain
we will surely take
We met and
our souls remembered
That is itself great
Let us leave it to God
He surely has a plan
Or we would not have met in this birth
These present thoughts
and those from the past birth
will keep my heart ticking
till we meet again
Bye my love.
©sunita grover raina2021
photo credit-net

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