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Will you spend some time with me
on this lovely bridge
Like a stranger
never known to each other
But do look into my eyes
and say what you saw
My body is not a stranger to you
but maybe the soul is
When was the last time
you saw me
All we did was hear each other
The body
maybe you might remember
My voice too
But my eyes have changed
Do you find them the same
as when we met
When we were really strangers
On this bridge
many years ago
Then I was the hope
you clung to
To bridge the gap
And slowly I became
a voice to you
My picture in your wallet
has lost its glamour
Like this stranger with time
became a paper
I was not a paper rose
on which some perfume
could be sprinkled
And it would last forever
See now you need not clung to me
You have bridged the gap
Now you are strong
I am also strong
But my soul does not wish
to remember you
Let us once again become fully strangers
and move away
On this same bridge
and not even glance at each other
For in this world some come to take
and some come to give
We have successfully done our work
We did bridge the gap
But are as lost as before
But are as empty as before
But are as far as before
(c)sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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