Some people have lots of
air within
Like we pump into a
balloon’s skin
These thin skinned filled
till point of burst
Fate of balloon
though not truly just
Some defective ones
burst on their own
And the rest are burst
and in garbage thrown
But how to get air
out of these arrogant studs
From their bloated bellies
and growing heads
Their skin as thick
as my slipper’s sole
Would need a lance
to pierce a hole
Need another way
to deflate their air
Why should I suffer in jail
for many a years
Feel like leading them on
a wild goose chase
And drop them like hot potatoes
in an untraceable place
Show them the heaven
that they want to see
Replacing heaven with hell
for these bloated bees
Remove the stinging sting
from their crooked tongues
Pierce the same in them
as a bee stung
I am surely not going to
rest in peace
till their arrogance inflated
air release.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net