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After two and a half years
I stepped in a court
To strip crooked lawyers
of their black stinky coats
My greatest pleasure is
in ruining them fast
When I open my mouth
none of them last
Good memory my crown
and a good speaker too
Though not a lawyer
but a born lawyer true
Law is in my blood
and debating my passion
Love to see the faces
of these lawyers ashen
Murderous enmity from
some past birth lingers
Seeing these black coats
twitching starts in my fingers
Change the language
or dwell with legal words
I too can change speech
with words a wizard
The judge gets hooked
to the magic of my looks
Fully dazed, as his brain
and heart I took
Thankful to God
needy come to me
I devour court proceedings
like a wild pig greedy
As things go in my favour
the crows catch maladies
I walk out of court rooms
humming old golden melodies.
©sunita grover raina2022

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