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Time was never a healer
Just your thoughts, stealer
It can brainwash, at times
When brain malfunctions,
Otherwise a failure,
for destiny
and faith believers
If you can drown
your thoughts
It will remain unsought
For this I do not give time ,
the credit
Do not accord it, any merit
Every day went fine ,was great
Today my Marriage Anniversary ,
is just a date
It is how you see ,
it is not a lie
It is upto you
to survive or die
Time just flows
Like the water in the streams
It has nothing to do
with the healing
or with pain stealing
It can just flow out things
Gives a, false look bright
Like the small pebbles,
does the stream
Gets tagged in such schemes
Big boulders remain intact
To take its lashes
and impacts
New cuts it makes on those rocks
that pains
It itself has nothing to gain
But never a healer
At times , a thought
I drowned my past
I needed to be steadfast
I lived a long time
as an outcast
Will now live, till end ,
a life contrast
For I opted to last.
©sunita grover raina 2022

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