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Be dedicated but not so engrossed
that life slowly passes you by.
Glancing at you, hinting at you
to atleast look at it.
If not love it.
And you unaware, were
counting your chickens,
which never hatched.
And what you achieved
was not what you wanted.
Life does not wait for you
to fulfill your wishes in future.
For it has its own plans for you.
But mind you it always reminds.
And you did not pay heed to it.
You kept putting things away.
Now your planned time has come
to fulfill your wishes.
Life is standing and observing you
but your dreams look lifeless
and meaningless now.
For life has changed the sets.
For a body of 61 and a soul of 27.
The soul patiently remained waiting
and the body moved with time.
Go ahead, do what you wished ,
says life.
The impatient young soul, now
wanting to tear apart your body.
Asking for freedom.
Asking you to fulfill its dreams .
Calling you a cheat.
As you could not keep your promise.
A sad affair.
(c)sunita grover raina 2021
photo credit net

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