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What is my search
I wish I really knew
What is it, that I want
from the day I really grew
I want something
this much I truly know
Like waves I reach the shore and then
pulled back to something show
Like a Yo Yo I am made
to roll up and down
Then left dangling like a
hanging circus clown
Spun like a spinning top
on many a palm
They are happy, but my
ins merge with the outs
At times made to kick
pebbles on the road
At times made to bathe
in rain, maybe to goad
I do whatever I feel like
or made by destiny to do
But keep my search on
and then sit down to review
Seems like my research and
Search will never end
All this will remain here
and me to him will death send
A total failure who could not
get any of her answers
Did I waste my life, Nay!
Ever a life romancer.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-net

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