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As declared a poet
I got to write
Is what they say
Not me, I swear
I am no poet
Who can sit tight
On a wooden chair
To write with flair
I get some kicks
From one above
I pick my pen
And jot things down
Not mine I swear
As when my dears
I sit to read
My poems again
I truly say
The words they scare
I sit to think
How these appeared
Now do I care
Nay! Not at all
I keep on writing
All he says
Let readers read
Let them decide
What is real good
And what not clear
I win or lose
He will decide
My thoughts with him
I surely share
The poems I think
are bound to win
they never win
I truly swear
The ones I keep
aside to sleep
are the ones
which rise
like does the sun
So what am I
A poet they say
Who many a times
nothing dear
Forget the poems
of other poets
Even mine I look at
with despair.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-net-pinterest

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