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A COLLABORATION (Sunita Grover Raina & Younas Rehman)
You said
To make me quiet
You will hug me tight
That will end the fight
Shut me up it might
But who was fighting
I was relaxing
My thoughts enlightening
Confusing your understanding
Your views collapsing
So it happens souls connected
They may talk on issues so differently reflected
For mirrors are different on opposite ends
Where rampant stay opposing trends
The talks were reasoned from both sides though
The time needed then a rebirth of glow
That had reunited us long long ago
So it was not quieting, rather talking again
On things sprung from attachment’s grain
You said
I always needed to win
But is that a sin
If somehow, creeped under your skin
And tell me how, wherein?
But who wants to win
I was discussing a subject
To which you did not object
You tried to wisdom inject
Some explanations I did reject
Each thing you utter is never denied
For besides your beauty , you’ve intellect too
Nothing on this earth, whether boundaries or creeds
Can ever separate myself and you
If I won , you won -if you win , I win
For views of both of us have always been
Focussed on same objective and theme
Of love and unity, truth and being fair
But above these all, I have to take care
For the glow of flame that draw us near
That make two distant souls hold each other dear
You said
I should learn to listen
For this is not a competition
Proper reasons with explanation
Should be in every discussion
But who said I was not listening
That I do not speak with reasoning
It was only when you were weakening
That you started sweetening
And then
You said
To make me quiet
You will hug me tight
That will end the fight
Shut me up it might
My soul mate , your talk are always sweet
With fragrance of reason and beauty replete
But I also needed to explain such things
From an angle that differs but surely brings
Harmony and oneness and a better cohesion
Between two souls that live in unison
And transcend the gulf of views conflicting
We need a love’s bridge when political scenes
Give show of hostility and distancing themes
We are always the winners as long as we remain
True to the spirit of unity and love
For love transcends all barriers and lives above
The things that deter our journey towards
The dreamland of passions where sing the songbirds
Just one anthem , one song of hot passion
So better to hug you and tighten the relation.
Sunita Grover Raina—-Kolkata, India
Younas Rehman—-Karachi, Pakistan

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