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It was not God’s wish to hide beauty
For then he would have made us all blind
Or better still scattered only garbage
Turned eyes that with hatred were lined
We wait for the rose buds to bloom
See its beauty in colours and fragrance
Do we wait to see its doom
Or bow to Almighty God in obeisance
Why cover something beautiful
And make them feel repulsive
Create a question within all
And frame answers that are impulsive
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
And not in the outer gear you got
Better remove the lust hidden in your eyes
Than pressurize the timid lot
You keep the eyes of beauties naked
But it is the eyes that always attracts
It is the eyes that do the talking
The eyes that binds hearts in contracts
And your eyes are full of lust and madness
Whereas theirs ever full of sadness
Ever in search are those eyes
To get trapped in pure romantic ties
You should have better turned all blind
And gone against God’s wish
I guess blind would have loved better
Blessed, to love souls of each other, rich
No longer would then this body be cursed
Or needs, for wounds inflected, nursed
The meaning of love would sincerely spread
All beads nicely tied in the same thread
It was not God’s wish to hide beauty
For then he would have made us all blind
Or better still scattered only garbage
Turned eyes that with hatred were lined.
©sunita grover raina2023
photo credit to the owner

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