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(Sra. Maria Magdalena Ochoa Serrano)
She left us behind on 07/05/2023 for her new home
She lived so far but in heart did breathe
How sad! She rests covered with wreathes
This life is strange, stranger its ways
Took birth to live but none can stay
You left this world,left us behind
You linked your heart, where will I, you find
You took your breaths and left me breathless
You went so far to Paradise I guess
None saw this place, all good souls go
In the lap of God you will bloom and grow
When I, leave here, will seek you out
My breaths are lonely, your breaths without
I know an angel with wings you are
You will bless us all from that world so far
Live in peace, be happy, my dear friend
Your soul to spiritual world did transcend.
©sunita grover raina 2023

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