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If a child stutters
don’t feel bad
Sincerely , you should
never feel sad
Concentrate on
making them sing
Stuttering, like music
will begin to ring
When we speak
left hemisphere is involved
Formation of sentence
in it revolves
Two hemispheres of brain
we all have got
The right too with the left
does a lot
Ask the stutterer
to speak musically
His stuttering
vanishes completely
Strange is life
and stranger its ways
Singing is the important
need of the day
Right hemisphere
controls rhythm and rhyme
It comes naturally
and so I chime
Poesy emerges
fluently from right
From left comes lines
where words do fight
The right hemisphere
controls creativity
Stutterers keep singing
for this is reality
No wonder my cells
are always singing
His songs within me
always ringing.
©sunita grover raina2023
photo credit to the owner
The brain is divided into two sides: the right and left hemispheres. In general, the left hemisphere controls a person’s logical and verbal functions, while the right hemisphere is in charge of non-verbal and intuitive functions.
When we speak, the left-hand side is involved – the part that controls word formation and sentence structure. But when we sing, it is the right hemisphere that we rely upon, to produce the rhythm and melody of music.

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