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Enjoyed the pleasant cut off days
Now call it a refreshing phase
Few friends similarly expressed too
Anxiety within them too grew
Count yourself lucky you blessed guys
Blessed are you that he on you spies
Do not feel that your dear muse left
In sadness and tears left you bereft
For when he dancing comes back to you
He will serve you beautiful colours true
Do not worry just jot them down
At times I look at the gifts and frown
For what it means I cannot infer
But to the readers the meaning appears clearer
I sit and bask in praises showered
Enjoying the new found love I treasure
Hey muse you could have caught me before
Would have loved doing such pleasant chores
But I lived my life , which was not my nature
Though praised to sky for the attained stature
One thing I surely now realize
I love writing down whatever you advice
Feel so happy when people them read
Learn from their comments your wisdom seeds
Love this new way of being a preacher
A preacher ha! Love you my teacher
Had I understood your ways before
Would have hugged you tight and lovingly adored
In college days you kept pushing me to the board
Maybe a hint you were giving, welcome aboard
I was an adamant child, loved fighting you
Even my fights you loved, for you loved me true
I now laugh at myself, the pains and the tears
All I needed was to surrender at your feet my fears.
©sunita grover raina 2022
photo self.

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