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Today I turned myself
a pump man and plumber
My cook and part timer
exquisite assistant dumbers
Took me two hours
to join two pipes
Till all water sprouted
fountain like
As it is, it was raining
heavily outside
What difference did it make,
if it rained inside
Felt as if I was
dancing in the rain.
With a plier and wrench
to stop the wicked drain
Forgot that I am 62
and not 26
How strenuous I found
this damn thing to fix
Though age could not dare
to change my nature
And my soul could never
ever act mature
I had to somehow
get this thing in order
Or all the home tasks would be
in stagnant disorder
I stopped it somehow
till the plumber did come
Workers were signalled to start work
and not act dumb
They both were dreaming
of getting a day off
But walked to their respective work zones
in a scoff
While I had great fun fixing pipes
and now well showered
Came fresh to my study room
fully empowered
Started typing my days
wonderful excitement
But yes, now these simple things
have become tough assignments
My arms are stiff
and legs aching as hell
How unfit I am now,
this I understood well.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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