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Strange that they love wrongly
But still chase a wrong person
Is their soul on the right track
and searching for the right love
But mind makes them behave a devil
I have devils after me
Mostly this I get to see
But I read them so well
Never could they trap me in their hell
Blessed with a protective shell
Is it that law of opposite attraction
Or hunter’s nature to prey their distraction
That their brain trains them
And their brains drain them
of good thoughts and actions
I at times feel sad for these fools
Who unknowingly use wrong tools
For they possess many good qualities
But do not know how to love properly
They learn what they see around ugly
Living with similar thinking idiots
They think that this is the right way
Being the stronger sex
Their ways an apex
Their ways to reach climax
No wonder they need many
For they never loved any
Fools ! listen to your hearts
Relish forever jam tarts
Made by your sweethearts
For nothing gives more pleasure
than love and the lover
Switch off your brains
Let your heart, love rediscover
and teach you to love
Teach you to properly love her.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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