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No one in my family has this hair
Wild, unruly, curly nightmare
From where these genes did come to me
To solve this puzzle, ready to pay any fee
Not only curly it is wavy too
Coils up like a spring in ringlets too
On pulling it becomes double its length
Like a spring it has lots of tensile strength
It grows like mushrooms, it grows like hell
Who would dare to comb and hear my yells
The comb refuses to ever slide
Needs gallons of oils to make it abide
When I was young they would touch my hair
Tell my parents she should take more care
I ripped them more and combed them less
Till one day, father got wild seeing the mess
I was then 16 and a very frail form
My hair weighed more than my body and arms
My dad ‘s darling in such sad distress
He no longer could bear these unruly tress
He caught my arm and dragged me out
While my sis and mother daringly fought
No one could stop my hero or plead
His car he drove at supersonic speed
Straight to Park street’s best saloon
He marched in with his darling in tune
They unbraided my hair and looked in wonder
While my father glared around to asunder
While I was enjoying the revolving chair and AC
And mirrors around reflecting my sweet glee
My hero asked the length to crop
I pointed till ears all should be dropped
The one with the scissors nearly fainted
Never seen such people, as such not acquainted
Two feet in length, he snipped painfully
On pulling, four feet it became obediently
What a relief and how light did I feel
After the cut dad was whistling at the wheel
I relishing chicken sausages as sauce trickled
While my hero was smiling at his darling’s giggle.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit net

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