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I started my writing with just one forum
Wishing my poems be read by readers some
Hardly one or two clicked
But happy to see my poems being ticked
And if ever a comment was seen posted
Felt as if in honour I was being toasted
Slowly I let my tentacles free
Crawled into other forums to see
Had no idea as to what should I do
Just posted not knowing who is who
With the passage of time my observation played
And a memory sharp which with me ever stayed
I used to think no harm in continuing
I did not come here to prove anything
Went nonstop writing in all forums I joined
What worse could happen than being out of outlined
Told myself, you are a great poet to ponder
All great poets after their deaths did wonders
At times my wicked self wanted to tease
Wanted my poems to be a torture for readers to see
The poems which I thought would bore them surely
Started winning awards one by one slowly
The ones I loved then and did never borne fruits
Now those poems bring laurels in the form of a duet
I know how to make every poem a winner
For this observation, I can’t be called a sinner
I can read many a thoughts and I know how to throw a dice
Even the time of posting poems , your winning decides
Very rarely a good poem shows the results same
My poems are going through a permutation and combination game
My instincts never wrong and my mathematics strong
I now, am a poetess, who is read and well gets along
My moderate words and my musical mind
Sets lines in proper sequence for others to find
I am no poet , it is all his new game
I am being taught, everywhere it is same
With him I do move, through him I do learn
The more that I learn, the less I do yearn
Please forgive me for the little I uttered
Many have clearly in between the lines read
My poems are, not a give and take business
Please read beyond lines, enough of this sickness.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit self

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