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Sunita Grover Raina and Dayanidhi Patra take pleasure in presenting their duet poem—GODLY GAME
Dayanidhi Patra
See the children
as if playing in heaven
The language of their joy
Dust and flower,
marriage and laughter
Their games of fun
till they grow adult
Their innocence
is their pleasure
Oh,they are happy
godly children.
©®Dayanidhi patra
Sunita Grover Raina
I see the godly children
I see the fun and laughter
Their language
none other than love
If you can love like them
Then dust and roses are just one
With time dust settled in our eyes
And we became far sighted guys
Blind to our own mother earth
Searched for paradise on other earth
We need to wash our eyes well
Let innocence once again dwell
Not consider our home a hell
For we are the same
godly children.
copyright@sunita grover raina2021

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