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Oh My Love !You are growing quantum by quantum
Fully accumulated my voracious inner sanctum
Your whispered words reverberate in my heart
It has become whispering gallery of romantic art
Ha! It is just your trained word play
with these sweet words you ,my heart can’t slay
I believe in action and not in words
As yet not kissed, am I a dim witted bird.
A poet you may be of name and fame.
Many have tried to play with me this game
Dear I can read in between lines and beyond too
Though I love acting a fool to intelligent few
I do not belong to the Shakespearean era
That your romantic sonnets I will yodle in opera
I want to feel the intensity of love touch
Your words , hardly any excitement much
Your heart I hesitate to touch
I fear I’m blessed with Midas touch
Neither I want silver nor gold
I wish to see your pure heart bold
I know Dear !we’re in modern era
But love has got its intrinsic aura
It always yearns for the bloomed flora
Be it bower or tower ,it wishes to seek new fora
In our tight embrace even moon will find grace
Throbbing heart, it w’d trace through the thin,
narrow space
How come you have time to write
Your presence very rarely I get to sight
If you really cared you would be with me
And not send these lifeless love letters for me to see
And you fear your Midas touch
it is just a story, nothing such
And you talk about loves intrinsic aura
Thank God you did not call me the Goddess Aurora
You are a sly fox
Who loves to have many women in his box
You are playing the same game with many
Let me see how far you go as now you are
sounding funny
You are walking on a tight rope dear
Very soon it is going to tear
All will dump you like a hot potato
Mash you up like a ripe tomato
Wish I am there to see the fun
To save your skin, how fast can you run.
Time brings changes,but love is timeless
Throbbing of the heart is the same, more or less
Oh Dear! Let’s hug at the triple point,
where meet sky,earth and ocean
There and there only we could satiate our
much cherished passion
Dear! I am not interested in any poetic passion
You continue writing for your other belles
absorbed in this fashion
I move to search for my love oil to aniont
Maybe I too will get it at the triple point.

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