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Never seen the creator
But his presence I feel
I was always a reactor
But he only did heal
As I am his naughty loving child
I never could pray
But talk to him daily
I never could stay
But followed steadily
As I am his naughty loving child
Picked the best food from *Prasad plate
None could stop or anything say
I immediately ate
Come what may
As I am his naughty loving child
Hurt by the life he set
Only struggle and pain he kept
Not because of my faults I get
These are ways to make me more adept
As I am his naughty loving child
All pray to keep him in mind
Show love and ask for forgiveness
Then do the opposite of being kind
While I fight and give him stress
As I am his naughty loving child
What he gives I have to take
This lesson I memorized great
But what I ask for, he immediately bakes
For he is my loving father that creates
And I am his naughty loving child.
* offered to God/ blessed food
©sunita grover raina2022

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