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A Collaborative poem (Sunita Grover Raina & Subhashchandra B Adhav)
My Love
When you are not around
I feel totally unsound
Simply miserable
Always irritable
You are now a part of me
Without you I incomplete feel
I have no existence
I crave for your presence
I crave for your essence
To survive the
separation span
Till I hear your sound
I like a maniac
search for means
on which to lean
To calm my within
with anything
Your energies alive
In your clothes
Into them I dive
They act as a life savior
When I don a shirt of yours
Feel tightly hugged
And somehow drugged
Enough to keep me going
Till the door bell rings
and I get to my life cling
The cigarette butts lying
In the ash trays around
I rub on numb lips
For a need of kiss
In total surrender
With thoughts tender
Gone asunder
I fall asleep
Some tears I did weep
How can you
from me keep away
Working day after day
Guess, you too have your ways
Which you never portray
Dear will you say.
Why this emotional attachment ?
When everyone’s fate is detachment
True ! we’re
inseparable parts
But one has to play one’s part
Why are you giving
importance to physical proximity !
What matters is
entwined souls and
their unity
When your acute
emotions reach peak
Your existence also you
can’t seek
No doubt you’ve
separation anxiety
However it shouldn’t
be at the cost of inner
peace and amity
To calm your within
you give importance to
external sound
But always hear to
your inner voice which
is intuitive bound
Why should you count
in material things ?
Watch your aura and
surrounding spiritual
rings !
Instead of door bell
give ear to the bell
ringing in the
sanctum of your heart
Then you will realize
love and its spiritual
In physical embrace try
to seek god’s grace
And watch spiritual
glow on your face
No doubt I miss
your lovely kiss
But that is momentary
pleasure for lips
See how perpetually
my heart leaps
Your weeping is your
spiritual ignorance
Enlightening your soul ,
hug me at once !!
©sunita grover raina 2022
©subhashchandra adhav 2022

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